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Informação: Regional Secretary for Health launches challenge to hire more general practitioners to the Azores
The Regional Secretary for Health launched on Friday a challenge to all those who criticise the shortage of general practitioners in the archipelago to "help us finding doctors who wish to work in the Azores." Luís Cabral spoke at the opening of the 13th Conference for General Practitioners in the Azores that is taking place in Ponta Delgada and stressed the efforts undertaken by the Regiona... Mais >>

Informação: Azores at European Seafood Exposition in Brussels
The Autonomous Region of the Azores participated in the European Seafood Exposition that is taking place in Brussels until Friday. The Region was represented by a delegation that included representatives of the Regional Secretary for Natural Resources, Lotaçor and the Society for Business Development of the Azores (SDEA). SEAFOOD-Brussels is the largest fair in Europe on the processing and m... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Secretary for Health stated that projects for Radiotherapy Centre and Nuclear Medicine are moving forward
The Regional Secretary for Health revealed today that the projects in the area of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine are moving forward with the purpose of providing "comfort" to patients, who will no longer need to leave the Azores to receive treatment. With the implementation of these projects, "patients will no longer need to leave the Azores to receive treatment and we intend that the treatme... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Secretary for Health announces implementation of telemedicine system on São Jorge this year
The Regional Secretary for Health announced in Velas today that the telemedicine system will be implemented on the island of São Jorge by the end of this year. We are determined to launch a system that will be capable of responding to the needs of the users of São Jorge Island Health Unit," stated Luís Cabral. Luís Cabral spoke at the end of a working meeting with the Admi... Mais >>

Informação: Courts decide in favour of the Azores in cases of Azorean patients receiving health care in Mainland Portugal
The courts have decided in favour of the Region in three cases involving Azorean patients who received heath care in national hospitals, announced the Regional Secretary for Health on Friday. Two of these cases were brought to the Administrative and Fiscal Court of Aveiro by the Hospital Centre of Entre Douro e Vouga, EPE. The court considered that the lawsuit filed by this hospital was "unfound... Mais >>

Informação: Government intends to save 20 million Euros in Health
The Regional Secretary for Health revealed today in Ponta Delgada that he intends "to save 20 million Euros this year" in the island health units and the hospitals of the Autonomous Region of the Azores. Luís Cabral spoke at the beginning of a hearing with the Commission on Social Affairs of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores. The government official said he int... Mais >>

Informação: "(In)Forma-te" project reached ten thousand youngsters in 2012
The "(In)Forma-te" (Inform yourself) project, an initiative supported by the Regional Directorate for Health, reached ten thousand youngsters in actions promoted during nigh-time environments and activities developed in areas surrounding schools throughout 2012. According to the report, the project achieved significant results during the second year of implementation, with interventions in the a... Mais >>

Informação: Luís Cabral satisfied with prize awarded to nurses from Ponta Delgada Health Centre
The Regional Secretary for Health expressed his satisfaction with the prize awarded to the project presented by the Home Care Unit of Ponta Delgada Health Centre in the context of "Missão Sorriso 2012" (solidarity project that supports non-profit organisations, paediatric units and hospitals). The project was selected from over 170 applicants nationwide. The winning work is being carried ou... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro diz que reforma do Serviço Regional de Saúde não é por ele ser mau, mas para continuar a ser bom
O Presidente do Governo dos Açores, Vasco Cordeiro, concluiu quarta-feira a ronda de audiências para a recolha de contributos tendo em vista a elaboração de um Compromisso para a Sustentabilidade do Serviço Regional de Saúde (SRS), durante a qual recebeu os partidos políticos com representação parlamentar e os parceiros sociais do setor. “N... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro says the reform of the Regional Health Service will not be implemented because it is a bad service, but to maintain its quality
The President of the Government, Vasco Cordeiro, concluded on Wednesday the round of hearings for the collection of contributions to draft a Commitment for the Sustainability of the Regional Health Service (SRS), during which he received political parties represented at Parliament and social partners in the sector. "Under the Commitment for the Sustainability of the SRS, we intend to define measu... Mais >>

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