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Águas Balneares | Açores 2014
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Parque Marinho dos Açores
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Últimos conteúdos
DESBRUYÈRES D., BISCOITO M., CAPRAIS J.-C., COMTET T., COLAÇO A., CRASSOUS P., FOUQUET Y., KHRIPOUNOFF A., LE BRIS N., OLU K., RISO R., SARRADIN, P.-M. & VANGRIESHEIM A. 2001. Variations in deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities on the mid-Atlantic Ridge when approaching the Azores Plateau. Deep-Sea Research 48 (5): 1325-1346.

SANTOS R.S., ESCARTIN J., COLAÇO A. & ADAMCZEWSKA A. (Eds.) 2002. Towards planning of seafloor observatory programs for the MAR region (Proceedings of the II MoMAR Workshop). Arquipélago- Life and Marine Sciences. Supplement 3: xi + 64pp.

SANTOS R.S., COLAÇO A. & CHRISTIANSEN S. (Eds.) 2003. Planning the Management of Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent Fields MPA in the Azores Triple Junction (Proceedings of the Workshop). Arquipélago – Life and Marine Sciences, Supplement 4: xii + 70 pp.

MORATO, T. AND PAULY, D. (2004). Seamounts: Biodiversity and Fisheries. Fisheries Centre Research Report 12(5), 85pp.

CARDIGOS F., COLAÇO A., DANDO P.R., AVILA S.P., SARRADIN P.M., TEMPERA F., CONCEIÇÃO P., PASCOAL A., SANTOS R.S. (2005) Shallow water hydrothermal vent field fluids and communities of the D. Joao de Castro Seamount (Azores). Chemical Geology 224: 153-168

MORATO, T. AND T.J. PITCHER (2005). Ecosystem simulations in support of management of data-limited seamount fisheries. Pp: 467-486 in G.H. Kruse; V.F. Gallucci; D.E. Hay; R.I. Perry; R.M. Peterman; T.C. Shirley; P.D. Spencer; B. Wilson and D. Woodby (eds.). Fisheries assessment and management in data-limited situations. Alaska Sea Grant, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium Series 21.

BRAGA-HENRIQUES, A., CARDIGOS, F., MENEZES, G., OCAÑA, O., PORTEIRO, F.M.,TEMPERA, F., GONÇALVES, J. (2006). Recent observations of cold-water coral communities on the “Condor de Terra” seamount, Azores. 41st European Marine Biology Symposium, Cork (Ireland).

MORATO, T.; W.W.L. CHEUNG AND T.J. PITCHER (2006). Vulnerability of seamount fish to fishing: fuzzy analysis of life history attributes. Journal of Fish Biology 68(1): 209-221.

T.J. PITCHER, T. MORATO, P.J.B HART, M. CLARK AND R.S. SANTOS (eds) (in press). Seamounts: Ecology, Fisheries and Conservation. Blackwell Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Series.

MORATO, T.; M. MACHETE; A. KITCHINGMAN; F. TEMPERA; S. LAI; G. MENEZES; R.S. SANTOS; AND T.J. PITCHER (in press). Abundance and distribution of seamounts in the Azores. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

MORATO, T.; D.A. VARKEY; C. DAMASO; M. MACHETE, M. SANTOS, R. PRIETO, R.S. SANTOS AND T.J. PITCHER (in press). Testing a seamount effect on aggregating visitors. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

VENTURA, M. A. & A. C: COSTA 2007 Implementing Good- Environmental Practices In Scuba-Diving Activity in the Azores. 4th World Environmental Education Congress 2-6 July Durban, South Africa. P424

GRILO, R 2011 Compatibility of scuba-diving tourism and the marine protected areas of Natura 2000 (SACs) in the Azores. Tese de Mestrado em Gestão e Conservação de Recursos Naturais da Universidade de Évora (em conjunto com a Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)

GRILO, R., M. A. VENTURA & A. C.  COSTA 2012 Trilhos Subaquáticos em Áreas Marinhas Protegidas dos Açores Journal of Tourism and Development [Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento], n.º 17/18 – Volume 4, electronic edition, ISSN: 2182-1453 Special Issue - Extended Abstracts and Posters' Abstracts of INVTUR 2012 Internacional Conference. Pp. 147-148.

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Santa Maria
São Jorge
São Miguel






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