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Águas Balneares | Açores 2014
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Jaen Nieto Amat, Frederico Cardigos and Ricardo Serrão Santos – de 2008 - The recent northern introduction of the seaweed Caulerpa webbiana (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) in Faial, Azores Islands (North-Eastern Atlantic) – publicado em Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre (REABIC)

Until recently, introduced species did not seem to have a significant adverse impact on the Azorean marine native flora and fauna. Nevertheless, one of the recent alien species listed for this region belongs to a genus with high invasive potential: Caulerpa (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta). Caulerpa webbiana was first detected in 2002 near the main yachting harbour of the Azores, Horta, in Faial. Through the years it has rapidly extended its colonized area and the density of colonies encountered have increased in the harbour and adjacent areas. The establishment of the seaweed represents a northern extension of its distribution and may have been facilitated by changes in climate. However, the actual pattern of C. webbiana distribution seems to indicate that this new species was possibly introduced by maritime traffic rather than reaching the island through natural rafting. There is an urgent need to address the issue of this seaweed in the Azores.

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