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Informação: Forum on Sustainability Charter reaches all municipalities in the Region
The Regional Secretary for Energy, Environment and Tourism announced in Ponta Delgada that various forums will be held in the 19 municipalities of the archipelago by the end of 2019, thus "contributing to the reinforcement of the Sustainability Charter of the Azores as well as to a more constant and dynamic follow-up of the goals set by each member." Marta Guerreiro spoke at the opening of the 1st... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores marks World Tourism Day
The Regional Secretariat for Energy, Environment and Tourism, through the Regional Directorate for Tourism, promotes a set of initiatives on all islands in the context of the celebrations of the World Tourism Day next Thursday. Through the network of tourist information offices, the Government promotes several actions to provide tourists with a better knowledge on the Azorean reality and the spec... Mais >>

Informação: Azores to host Portuguese Association of Congress, Tourism Animation and Event Companies in 2019
The Regional Secretary for Energy, Environment and Tourism revealed today in Horta that the Azores were the region chosen to hold the 7th APECATE Congress - Portuguese Association of Congress, Tourism Animation and Event Companies that will take place on the island of Faial between January 30 and February 1, 2019. The event will focus on the theme "Portugal from fashion to consolidation. Paths and... Mais >>

Informação: Lajes do Pico is one of the winners of 7 Wonders at the Table, highlighting traditional Azorean cuisine
The Regional Secretary for Energy, Environment and Tourism congratulated the Lajes do Pico Table for being one of the winners of the 7 Wonders at the Table competition, which raises the Azores to prominence by highlighting the gastronomic specificities of the archipelago. "This is another evidence that the Azores have a lot to offer, not only in terms of nature products from the sea and the landsc... Mais >>

Informação: Azores Triathlon distinguishes the best of active nature tourism in the Azores, says Regional Director
The Regional Director for Tourism pointed out in Praia da Vitória the importance of the 2nd Azores Triathlon by conciliating three sports that are in line with the concept of an active nature tourist destination, through which the Azores have become internationally recognised. Filipe Macedo emphasised that this event, which brought together about 50 participants from 16 countries, demonstrat... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government and Institute for Tourism Planning and Development to promote "Azores Welcome" programme
The Regional Secretary for Energy, Environment and Tourism announced in Ponta Delgada that the Regional Government, together with IPDT - Institute for Tourism Planning and Development, promotes a training programme aimed at building a culture of service under the designation of "Azores Welcome." "It is a fact that we are already known for our hospitality, but we can and should strive to work more... Mais >>

Informação: Inspeção Regional do Turismo tem atuação incisiva e atenta na fiscalização ao Alojamento Local
A Inspeção Regional do Turismo detetou, entre janeiro e agosto deste ano, 177 alojamentos não registados nos Açores, os quais correspondem, aproximadamente, a 700 camas.Destas deteções, 100 alojamentos já foram, entretanto, devidamente registados ou cessaram a atividade, foram instaurados sete processos de contraordenação e 70 alojamentos estão ain... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government opens applications for Miosótis Azores award for 2019-2020 period
The Regional Secretariat for Energy, Environment and Tourism, through the Regional Directorates for Environment and Tourism, promotes the eighth edition of the Miosótis Azores award. All regional tourism projects may apply until October 19. The Miosótis Azores award, which currently distinguishes 103 tourism projects on all islands of the archipelago, aims to enhance the accommodation o... Mais >>

Informação: European Artistic Roller Skating Championship is "excellent opportunity" to promote the Azores, says Regional Director for Tourism
The Regional Director for Tourism stated that the organisation of the European Artistic Roller Skating Championship on São Miguel is "another excellent opportunity to promote the projection of the Azores." It allows us to share the best that the archipelago has to offer "in a natural way," namely "a unique nature, deep-rooted traditions and a very special hospitality." "This is how the Gover... Mais >>

Informação: Horta Nautical Club is "active asset" in promotion of Nautical Tourism
The Regional Director for Tourism highlighted the performance of Horta Nautical Club as an "active asset" in the promotion of tourism in the Azores, through the organisation of various nautical events. In this regard, he mentioned several sailing regattas calling into Horta Port, the annual organisation of the Nautical Festival - main event of the Sea Week - the participation in fairs to promote t... Mais >>

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