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Ponta Delgada ,  April 13, 2015

 Regional Government launches tender to support scientific research projects

The Regional Secretary for the Sea, Science and Technology announced today in Ponta Delgada, the opening a tender to fund scientific research and technological development projects under the Research and Innovation Strategy for the Smart Specialisation of the Azores (RIS3).

"The tender, which will open soon, provides for the hiring of human resources that may continue the scientific research that is being conducted at regional research centres," said Fausto Brito e Abreu.

The Regional Secretary for Science and Technology spoke during a visit to the Centre of Volcanology and Geological Risk Assessment at the University of the Azores (CVARG), where he defended the importance of developing the scientific fields that distinguish the Region at an international level, such as the case of volcanology.

In the context of this visit, the Regional Secretary met with members of CVARG. At the meeting, the government official became acquainted with the concerns expressed by the researchers working at this centre of the regional scientific and technological system.

"Researchers mentioned the need to hire new researchers and fellows as well as to maintain senior researchers," Brito e Abreu said, stressing "that the Regional Government will provide a response through this tender for the funding of research projects, whose implementation requires the hiring of new researchers."
The Regional Secretary also stressed that the Government of the Azores "is working to substantially increase the amount allocated under the last tender" to support research projects that took place some years ago; it provided about 40 thousand Euros per project.

In this context, the government official anticipated that "the new tender will allocate a maximum amount of 150 thousand Euros for each project, with an implementation period of three years."

"The tender meets the specific needs of the Region in the areas of science and technology, contributing to the strengthening of the links between fundamental research, applied research and the transfer of knowledge to the business fabric," said the government official.

During the visit to the Centre of Volcanology, the Regional Secretary stressed the "utmost importance" of monitoring seismic and volcanic activity insofar as it "helps to prevent and predict natural disasters."


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