Regional Government implements restrictions on the access to commercial establishments
The Regional Government, through the Vice-Presidency, published today in the Official Journal an ordinance imposing restrictions on the access and the allocation of spaces in commercial, catering or beverage establishments in the context of the exceptional and temporary measures implemented in the face of the situation caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
According to this ordinance, “the allocation of spaces accessible to the public in retail establishments, large commercial establishments and shopping centres must observe a maximum occupation rule of 0.04 people per square metre of area intended for the public, including collective use or circulation areas, with the exception of vehicle parking areas."
With regard to the access to food and beverage establishments, "the allocation of spaces accessible to the public should be limited to one third of their capacity."
The ordinance also provides for the definition of management and monitoring duties. In this regard, managers, operators or owners of spaces and establishments must undertake every effort to “carry out a balanced management of public access” and “monitor access refusals so as to avoid, as far as possible, the concentration of people at the entrance of spaces or establishments."