Following the measures decided at the last Council, the Government has allocated financial resources to RIAC - Agency for the Modernisation and Quality of Citizen Service with the aim of reinforcing the Regional Government's Citizen Support Line (800 500 501). From Tuesday, March 17, it will provide a new service to support citizens in obtaining information on the various public administration services, following the closure of non-essential regional public administration services.
Also, from Tuesday, the RIAC line (800 500 501) will clarify Azorean citizens on non-medical doubts regarding the situation of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic in the Region, similarly to the COVID-19 Non-Medical Information Line (800 29 29 29), specifically created by the Regional Government for this purpose.
Additionally, Azorean citizens may continue to consult the RIAC portal with updated information at, which also provides access to the Regional Government's Citizen Support Line via chat or Skype at [email protected] or by message on the RIAC Facebook page at
All of these channels are available from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 10:30 pm, and on Sundays and holidays from 10 am to 10:30 pm.