Regional Government monitors public health emergency over Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
The Regional Government is monitoring the situation of the pneumonia outbreak caused by the novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), following the international public health emergency declared Thursday by the World Health Organisation.
Public health authorities and Civil Protection partners are working in conjunction with the aim of protecting public health in the Region.
Currently, there are no suspected cases in Portugal.
The Regional Directorate for Health is monitoring the situation, in conjunction with the Directorate-General for Health, and reinforces the recommendations previously issued.
The recommendations for travellers are as follows:
- Follow the recommendations of the country's health authorities;
- Avoid close contact with people with signs of acute respiratory infections;
- Wash hands frequently, especially after direct contact with sick people;
- Avoid contact with animals;
- Adopt respiratory etiquette measures: cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, always with a tissue or with your arm and never with your hands, and dispose of the tissue in the waste basket;
- Wash your hands whenever you blow your nose, sneeze or cough;
- On return, travellers who have visited the affected areas in the last 14 days and have symptoms of fever, cough and possible breathing difficulties, should, before seeking health services, call the Azores Health Azores line (808 24 60 24), a service prepared to guide and provide information to travellers and the population in general.
The health professionals working at the Azores Health line are duly trained to give the best advice according to the situation.
Throughout the day, the Regional Directorate for Health will update the guidelines addressed to health professionals for the prevention and control of infection by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
The Regional Directorate for Health ensures the constant updating of information on the Regional Government Portal at