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Winnipeg ,  November 14, 2011

Azores are looking towards the future, says Vasco Cordeiro

"Nowadays, the Azores are a Region looking towards the future, which counts on the contribution of new generations, including the descendants of emigrants, to do better at an economic and social level, but also with regard to the improvement of their infrastructures and their international projection," defended the Regional Secretary for the Economy in Winnipeg this Sunday.

Vasco Cordeiro spoke before three hundred participants at the closing session of the Azores Cultural Week, an event organised by the House of the Azores from that Canadian city. He recalled that "there is nowadays a modern Region, which is very different from the one our emigrants left behind one day and better prepared to face the challenges with the support of all." There are youngsters in the Azores and our communities, whose skills should be used to this collective task which is to build a better Azores."

According to him, "this contribution of the younger generation does not mean that we give less importance or despise the path that has been followed so far. It means, rather, that there is a new generation full of potentiality to embrace this collective task which is to turn the Azores into the best place in the world to live. I like to think and know that it is necessary to work every day to accomplish this goal, but I know that is possible with the work of all Azoreans, with commitment and a profound love for our land."

Vasco Cordeiro noted that "Portugal currently faces moments of great difficulty. In order to overcome these difficulties we need everyone's help as well of our emigrants,” that is, he added, "we have to acquire the tenacity and hard work of our emigrants, who are an example in the present moment."

Hence, "it is necessary to pass on a clear message of commitment, hope and dedication. What we cannot do," he said, "is to lose courage and give up. We cannot surrender to our destiny without a fight as this is the worst of defeats. While we are fighting, there is no shame in our difficulties, but rather they are an opportunity to demonstrate what the Portuguese people are made of and the spirit of the Azores."

The Regional Secretary for the Economy recalled that "his acknowledgement of the importance of emigrant communities is not recent, being one the most important assets for the Azores." "It is important that you continue not to be ashamed of your land, your culture and that you continue to proudly assert yourselves as Azoreans from a land of honest and hard working people."

As such, he challenged all "to increasingly promote the Azores. Not just among your family, but among all your acquaintances, whether or not Portuguese. Challenge them to know our Region because nowadays the Azores are a land that is worth knowing."
The government official also praised the work that has been developed by the House of the Azores of Winnipeg on several initiatives, such as the case of the Cultural Week. "This is an event of great relevance and importance, not only to the community that lives here, but also for the protection, promotion and encouragement of the presence of the Azores in Canada."

"The wider integration of our communities into the host societies is one of the major contributions that may be provided for asserting our Region. Let them participate in everyday life by taking part in the political, social and cultural life. I have said and I say once again, being a good Canadian one does not imply that one ceases to be a good Azorean. It is exactly the opposite, the better Canadians they are and the more they participate in Canada's life, the better Azoreans they will be," stated the government official.

"This wider participation also requires the best contribution that our communities can provide to the Azores of today because this is also a way of defending and enriching our Region," concluded Vasco Cordeiro.


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