Considering the international public health emergency arising from the COVID-19 disease outbreak classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation;
It is necessary to adopt measures and procedures that, in a responsible and proportionate manner, prevent and limit the spread of infection by the new coronavirus in the Autonomous Region of the Azores;
Given the importance of preventive action to minimise collective risks that are inherent to the spread of the COVID-19 disease outbreak in the Region and the protection of the population exposed to the virus, through the adoption of appropriate and proportional measures to face increasing degrees of risk;
Considering the state of alert declaration in the entire territory of the Autonomous Region of the Azores until March 31 as declared by the Council of the Government after a meeting held on March 11, 2020, in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph a) of paragraph 1, 2 and 4 of article 3, paragraph 1 of articles 4 to 6, paragraph 1 of article 7 in conjunction with article 9, and article 8 of the Regional Legislative Decree no. 26/2019/A of November 22, which establishes the Legal Scheme on the Civil Protection System of the Autonomous Region of the Azores;
The Regional Health Authority hereby determines the following:
f) It is recommended the postponement of all trips to and from outside the Region until March 31, regardless of the circumstances, except those that are absolutely essential;
2 - The following procedures shall be observed in case of individuals travelling to the Region:
a) Mandatory response to a questionnaire of the Regional Directorate for Health to be duly completed and delivered upon arrival of the aircraft in the Region;
b) Determination of prophylactic isolation by the Health Authority with active surveillance for 14 days after landing in the Autonomous Region of the Azores.
g) In the case of individuals coming from areas considered to be of active community transmission, included in Annex I, who do not respect the recommendation issued in the previous paragraph, impose the express authorisation of the Regional Health Authority as a mandatory element for disembarking in the territory of the Autonomous Region of the Azores.
In compliance with the provisions set out in the previous paragraph, the concerned persons should contact the Azores Health Line - 808 24 60 24.
5 - The non-compliance Failure with the mandatory requirement referred to in paragraph 3 is a crime of disobedience and, as such, a complaint will be filed with the judicial authorities.
The Regional Health Authority reiterates the need to comply with all recommendations already made public in this regard, especially that, in case of symptoms, patients should not seek a Hospital or Health Unit, but rather call the Azores Health Line - 808 24 60 24.
The provisions set out in the press release shall take effect on March 13, 2020.