The Regional Health Authority reports the existence of a positive case of COVID-19 on the island of Faial, according to testing conducted by the Specialised Service of Epidemiology and Molecular Biology of the Santo Espírito Hospital on the Island of Terceira.
The results await a second test to be conducted by the Dr. Ricardo Jorge National Health Institute.
The patient in question is a 24-year-old female, who is clinically stable and is in home confinement.
Currently, the procedures defined for confirmed case are in progress and the Health Authorities are promoting the surveillance of close contacts.
As of now, three positive cases of infection with the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes the COVID-19 disease, have been detected in the Region; two await the confirmation test carried out by the Dr. Ricardo Jorge National health institute.
It should be noted that the Regional Health Authority is already applying a new definition of suspected case of infection with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Region, more restrictive than the national one, with the aim of reinforcing the health protection of the Azorean population.
The information on the COVID-19 pandemic will be updated this afternoon at 4 pm, through a press conference to be held at the headquarters of the Regional Health Secretariat at Solar dos Remédios in Angra do Heroísmo.
The Regional Health Authority reiterates the need to comply with all recommendations already made public in this regard, especially that, in case of symptoms, patients should not seek a Hospital or Health Unit, but rather call the Azores Health Line - 808 24 60 24.
For more information, please consult the Regional Government's website dedicated to this pandemic at or the Regional Directorate for Health Facebook page at
The Government of the Azores also makes available the Azores Non-Medical COVID-19 Information Line -800 29 29 29 -, which operates every day of the week from 8 am to 8 pm, as well as the email address [email protected] for clarification on the measures adopted in the Region to face the novel coronavirus pandemic.